**The Geneva Health Forum Award for Innovative Global Health Practices**
Core value: facilitates access to care or improves health in resource-constrained settings.
Project submission information:
deadline--Saturday 15 June 2019
submission form--color poster in A0 format (84.1 x 118.9 cm) as a pdf file accompanied by the presentation sheet at the award
Actualités du Pharo - 2019
Award Geneva Health Forum 2020
The GHF Award for Innovative Global Health Practices seeks to promote a study or project on an innovative practice that facilitates access to care or improves health in resource-constrained settings.
The proposition for contribution must be submitted in the form of a color poster in A0 format (84.1 x 118.9 cm) as a pdf file accompanied by the presentation sheet at the award.
The deadline for submission is Saturday 15 June 2019 at 12h GMT.
It will be sent to the following e-mail addresses:
eric.comte @ unige.ch
j-m.milleliri @ wanadoo.fr
Awards for laureate
The laureate will be invited to come orally to present his project or study at the XXVth Pharo News, which will take place from 2 to 4 October 2019 at Marseille. Travel and accommodation costs for 3 nights will be covered by the Pharo Organizing Committee.
Afterwards, the laureate will be invited to present his poster at the Geneva Health Forum, which will take place from the 24th to the 26th. March 2020 in Geneva. The award will include a travel grant to attend the Geneva Health Forum.
All information : http://www.gispe.org/html/actus2019.html
Actualités du Pharo 2019
The "Pharo News" is the only French speaking conference of medicine and public health taking place each year in France.
In 2019, the XXVth edition will be held in Marseille on October 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Since 2012, and after the closure of the Pharo School (Institute of Tropical Medicine of the Army Health Service), the GISPE has taken over the organization of this congress, in the continuation of the Service of the health of the armies organizing this scientific meeting since 1994.
The Group of intervention in public health and epidemiology (GISPE - www.gispe.org) is therefore the pleasure to communicate you information related to this scientific meeting whose theme in 2019 is
Vers une seule santé (One health)
For more information : http://www.gispe.org/html/actus2019.html
Award organized in collaboration with