
The 10thAHLA Conference successfully reached the highest global health literacy participation

The 10thAHLA Conference successfully reached the highest global health literacy participation

On the afternoon of May 13, Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University hosted the 10th international conference "Asian Health Literacy" - 2024, attracting nearly 200 participants from medical facilities nationwide, such as Asian, European, American, and Australian countries, with 19 sessions (4 plenary sessions, 12 Oral reporting sessions, and 3 Poster reporting sessions).

'Speaking at the ceremony, Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Duong Anh Duc highly appreciated the school that hosted the international conference ''The 10th Asian Health Literacy - 2024''.' The conference for the world's leading experts in the field of health literacy to focus on attending, contributing to the development of the city's health; is an extremely valuable opportunity to exchange culture and develop the city's economy.

According to Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Duong Anh Duc, health literacy is a relatively new field in Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh City, hoping that this field will be integrated into the school's medical training program to spread and spread the health system of the city and the southern provinces.

Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University also celebrated the 35th anniversary of the school's establishment. Speaking at the ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hiep, the school's principal, said that over the past 35 years of establishment and development to date, the school has provided more than 7,500 full-time general doctors, more than 2,500 general doctors, more than 11,000 midwifery nurses and 5,550 doctors, masters, specialists of level I and II to participate in the city's health system or the grassroots health route.

In addition, the university also promotes international cooperation in training and scientific research with many universities and organizations in countries around the world such as France, Belgium, USA, Australia, Federal Republic of Germany, Thailand, Finland, Cuba, Netherlands, Denmark in the fields of clinical psychology, hospital management, speech therapy, resuscitation anesthesia in thoracic, ENT, ENT, interventionalcardiology surgery.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister issued a Decision to award Certificates of Merit to 3 collectives in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City; The Minister of Health issued a Decision to award Certificates of Merit to 1 collective in the construction and development of the National Historic Site of the Central People's Committee of the Southern Department; The Chairman of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City issued a Decision to award Certificates of Merit to 1 collective in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic in the city; awarded the Badge Ho Chi Minh City for 8 individuals who have made many contributions in the field of medical education in the area.