AHLA members join in the coming EVPOP workshop on the Guide “Health literacy policies – how can they be developed and implemented?”
Dear all,
We are looking forward to the EVPOP workshop on the Guide “Health literacy policies – how can they be developed and implemented?”, which will be held on the 19th October from 12:30 – 14:00 CET.
Besides the presentation of the guide, national representatives from Belgium, Germany, Norway, Portugal and Slovenia will provide us with an “Reality Check - insights in national policy processes on health literacy in different countries”. Please find out more in the attached program.
For access details see below (please note you should also have received an outlook invitation in September).
Kind regards,
Angelika, Peter and Christa for the ICC
Zoom Meeting
Meeting-ID: 874 4783 3562
Code: 534520
International Coordination Center (ICC) of M-POHL and its projects
Located at:
Austrian National Public Health Institute
Stubenring 6
AT-1010 Vienna
H: +43 676 848 191 162