Announcement of
the 2022 Yufong International Health Literacy Awards

• Madam Yufong Hsu, born in Lukang in 1927, and completed her education in Changhua Women’s High School. As a senior accountant in the Taiwan Bank, trained herself into an artist, and in her late 80s, she supported the developments of the AHLA significantly.
• The Yufong Interantional Health Literacy Award had been established in 2017, and each year in the AHLA Conference, the awards were granted to those international outstanding scholars and educators in health literacy.
Winners 2022 Yufong International Health Literacy Award

Nguyen The Dung, MD
- Vice-Chairman of Vietnam Health Economics Association;
- Head of Infectious Diseases Department and Head of Microbiology-Parasitology Department of School of Medicine of Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City Advisor of Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine;
- Former Director of Ho Chi Minh City Health Department.

Prof. Mei-Shang Ho, M.D., M.P.H.
- Sinica Academic, Taiwan, Outstanding Research Award, Taiwan 1994;
- The Chiron Biocine Award, International Congress for Infectious Diseases 1996;
- Contribution Award in SARS Control, Executive Yuan, Taiwan 2003;
- Contribution Award in Public Health, Department of Health, Taiwan, 2003;
- Outstanding Contribution Technology Award, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, 2011;
- Outstanding Civil Servant Award, Academia Sinica 2014.