![]() We are pleased to invite you to the 1st International Conference on Health Literacy and Better Healthcare: EU and Asia on 20 November 2013, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan. This event has been jointly organized by the HLS-Asia Project and Taipei Medical University in association with the Taiwan National Science Council, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Department of Health of Taipei City Government, Department of Health of Kaohsiung City Government, Public Health Bureau of Taitung County and European Economic and Trade Office etc. The Taiwan National Science Council, Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs have also provided their support. Healthcare: EU and Asia on 20 November 2013, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan. The conference aims to present core Health Literacy issues from across the globe and to explore their implications for healthcare. There will be a number of distinguished international keynote speakers at the conference including Prof. Helmut BRAND from University of Maastricht, Prof. Stephan van den BROUCKE from University Catholic Leuvain, Prof. Jürgen PELIKAN from University Vienna and Dr. Kristine SØRENSEN from University of Maastricht and many others. Scientists and researchers from more than 15 Asian countries and 20 institutions are expected to attend this conference. The conference will not only serve as a platform for those with an interest in health literacy issues to exchange knowledge and share experiences but also to promote and establish a network for Health Literacy in Asia. Please make a note of the date in your calendar and join us for this important event. We look forward to meeting you in Taipei, Taiwan! Register NOW! http://tinyurl.com/HLSAconference 中文報名網站 http://tinyurl.com/HLSA-conference-TWN (台灣地區請以此連結報名) |